Obituary of Sandra Loy Nichols
Sandra Loy Nichols (sloy) 6.9.1943-5.9.2022
I have to loosen up to write an obit for my remarkable wife. forget the 4 husbands. at least
the first fathered her two remarkable children Rick & Shanna. I think I'm their favorite so I hope
I get this right. sandra's resume is impressive too. but it is the way she lived a life where
she looked into your eyes & knew what you needed & longed for. not an easy gift for someone who
longed to do her own work. many would say she accomplished both. I'm here now writing her obituary
because of it. she was a daughter mother wife writer teacher artist friend inspiration; I could
be up all night adding to the list. as I write I'm listening to 'plug's album 'gulp' a gifted
hard rock band she managed in the late '90s. she let everyone in & is now gone. anyone who knew &
loved her will miss & never forget her.