Obituary of Halyna Cisaruk
Halyna Cisaruk, mother, artist, teacher, and friend, born on October 2,1937, died in her sleep on August 5, 2021 in Portland, Oregon. Halyna was born in the village of Okhmatkiv, in Western Ukraine. When she reached 6 years of age, her family, along with many hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians, fled their homeland to go west, away from the approaching communists. Her father, Archyp, mother, Maria, as well as her brother, Yarema, survived by living in a forest for several months, then in temporary settlements in the Carpathian Mountains and Regensburg, Germany, prior to making their way to America. The family settled in Hamtramck, Michigan where Halyna attended Sacred Heart School and Pershing High School. She loved singing in choirs, swimming, tennis, and Ukrainian folk dancing, and she was active in the Ukrainian community's scouting organization, “Plast.” She married at age 18 and had 3 children with her former spouse, also from Ukraine.
Halyna was eventually able to pursue her lifelong dream of studying fine arts and art education. Mychajlo Dmytrenko and Edward (EKO) Kozak, two of the Ukrainian-American diaspora's most famous painters, were her first art teachers. However, it was David Barr (a well-known sculptor and art professor from Michigan) whom Halyna credited as the most influential person in her art and life. Halyna went on to receive her Bachelors in Fine Arts from Wayne State University. As part of her continued education she made several trips to Europe, both as a student and later a teacher, where she dove into the study of art antiquity. She was particularly drawn to the mosaics, frescos, and paintings of ancient Italy, Greece, and Spain and was fascinated by the Britain's prehistoric sites, Stonehenge and Avebury. These journeys and experiences had an indelible impact on her own art and life.
Later, Halyna went on to share her love of art with the students at St. Paul School in Grosse Pointe, Michigan, where she taught for over 20 years. Halyna was a professional artist in the Detroit metro area, and took part in many group and solo art exhibits in Michigan, as well as many other Ukrainian communities across the US, Canada, and Italy. Although her work was diverse and extended into many art forms, Halyna was best known for her Byzantine icons and angels, as well as her original paintings incorporating Eastern mandalas, spirals, circles and other ancient symbols and archetypes. In her most recent artist statement, Halyna described the reason why she was drawn to these themes: "We all live and move within our own circle of life. We want balance, we yearn for meaning, we want to become whole. This ever-evolving process serves to inspire my work. The end is the beginning. To finish the Mandala is to continue the journey. It is this spiritual quest that is my eternal voyage."
In 2014, Halyna moved from Detroit to Portland to be closer to her daughters Natalia and Darka and their families. She enjoyed trips to the Oregon Coast and the Columbia Gorge but what she loved most of all was going out to eat with her family and gifting everyone at the table with unforgettable and often humorous gifts.
Halyna is survived by her three children: Daughter Natalia and husband Mike Burgess; daughter Darka and husband Miroslav Stebiwka; son Andrew Konopada; brother Yarema and wife Laryssa Cisaruk; grandchildren Olenka Burgess, Stefan Konopada, and Lesya Konopada; nieces Lydia Cisaruk and Katrina Rakowsky, all of whom she loved and touched deeply.
May her passionate spirit live on forever in all of our hearts.
У Портланді померла відома Дітройтська мисткиня, Галина Цісарук. “Галя” народилася 2го Жовтня, 1937-го року в селі Охматків на Волині де мати Марія (з дому Рудницька) учителювала в народній школі. Батько Галини Архип був головою провінційного торговельного союзу. Народився ще молодший брат — Ярема.
В 1944-му році, Цісаруки, як і тисячі інших, добровільно зачали втікати від “Старшого Брата” в пекло Гітлєрівської Німеччини. Виїхав з ними також дорослий сестрінок Галини – Богдан, який ще в першу ніч сказав “Тітко, мене кличе ліс (УПА).” Доля його невідома. Війну пережили Цісаруки на лісничівці в Баварії, а опісля опинилися в “ДП” таборі в Регенсбургу. В 1949-му році Цісаруки емігрували до Америки. В Дітройті, Галина закінчила Українську парафіяльну народну школу, потім “Pershing High School.” В 1956-му році Галина одружилася з Ярославом Конопадою. Народилися їм троє дітей – Наталя, Андрій і Дарка.
Галини першими учителями мистецтва і малярства були відомі художники Едвард Козак (ЕКО) та Михайло Дмитренко, а пізніше Девід Барр, визнаний скульптор з Мічигану. Галина продовжувала доповняти своє знання – спеціяльно після трансформаційниx подорожей до Еспанії, Греції, Італії, та Англії. Ці подорожі вплинули на її розвиток як маляр, особливо в її оригінальних картинах; Галина часто використовувала символи східних мандал, кіл та спіралей, але мистецької спеціяльністю Галини були традиційнi ікони Візантійського стилю. Галина мала самостійні виставки як також брала участь у чисельних гуртових виставках. Понад 20 літ викладала у початковiй i вищій школі і також давала приватні лекції.
В 2014 р. Галина переїхала до Portland, Oregon, куди перенеслися її доньки Наталя і Дарка. Галина брала участь у вечорах мистецтва, любила подорожувати з двома дочками і до останніх днів писaлa і малювалa у своїх етюдниках (sketchbooks). Галина була мисткинею. Вона любила спів, була пластункою, членкинею хорів, і любила природу - спеціяльно в Oregon.
Галина Цісарук відійшла у вічність 5-го серпня 2021-го року. Залишила в смутку дітей – Дочку Наталку Burgess з мужем Mайk, Cина Андрія Конопаду, Дочку Дарку Стeбівку з мужем Мирославом, Внуків Оленку Burgess та Стефана і Лесю Конопада, брата Ярему з Дружиною Лярисою та ближчу і дальшу родину на Україні і по Світі.
Вічна Їй Пам’ять!
A private, memorial service is taking place on October 2nd, which would have been Halyna Cisaruk's 84th birthday. There will be another public memorial event to take place in early 2022 in Warren, Michigan, where Halyna lived for many years.
Important Message from the Family
"In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Daria Stebiwka: Venmo @darkadusty or you can send a check to D. Stebiwka 9531 Southeast Tenino Court, Portland, OR 97266. These funds will be used to create a permanent online exhibit of her art, as well as be used for family to travel to Ukraine to scatter Halyna Cisaruk's ashes on the very spot where she was born, in keeping with her wishes." We also encourage friends to post photos and any memories they have of Halyna on this memorial page.
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